Hakama Company Limited is a Ghanaian owned business registered under the registrar general’s department of Ghana in 1997. Hakama Company Limited is a food processing company.

Hakama Company Limited produced its first product into the market in 1997 which was branded as ‘Hawa and Amina Iodized Salt’. This resulted in the aim of being part of the country’s objective in solving iodine nutritional deficiencies through the use of fortified salt.

The Company has since been in production and is the main supplier to most second cycle schools in the Ashanti Region with Hawa and Amina Iodized Salt.

What we do

Hakama Company Limited Processes agro-produce with modernized food processing technology to conquer the taste and preferences of today’s customer choice for foods that are nutritious and yet easy to cook whilst solving post-harvest losses and ensuring food safety in the food value chain.

Our Products

  • Meera Palm nut soup base
  • Meera Housa koko Paste
  • Meera Agushie Mix
  • Meera Homemade tomato sauce
  • Meera Palm nut soup base (Prekese)
  • Meera Palm nut soup base (Turkey berry)

Why Choose us

  • Our team of professionals work relentlessly to achieve a high quality standard produce
  • Our products are purely natural with no preservative
  • We offer excellent customer service
  • We give competitive pricing


Hakama Company Limited is characterized as a processor who takes cautious steps in processing agro food products into unique, healthier and nutritious products to the consumer who demands a high degree of creativity, quality, and convenience food.


Hakama Company Limited has the vision to be recognized as the leading brand in providing your homes with healthy and nutritious convenience foods products in the next 5-10 years within the West Africa sub-region. And the world at large.